
In our efforts to continuously seek new opportunities for funding of school improvements, we have signed up with "Box Tops 4 Education", an AMAZING nation-wide program that enables parents to earn money for their children's schools through their everyday purchases.  Schools have earned thousands of dollars through parent involvement.  Once collected, this money is sent to the school twice a year and can be used in any way that we would like - for renovations, new classroom materials, computers, etc. 

There are 3 ways that YOU and your family can help us earn Box Top dollars:



1. Clip Box Top Coupons located on the packaging of hundreds of products, from Cheerios, to Ziploc.  You'll be surprised to find the coupons on almost everything you use at home.  For a list of products that carry the coupon click here: Particating Products

These coupons are each worth 10 cents towards Mazel!  It may sound like a small amount, but if you think about how Box Top products are used in your household per year, multipied by all of the families in Mazel - it will total a nice amount.  Simply cut the coupons out of the packaging and send it to school in an envelope or small bag with your child.  We will send them into Box Tops and will recieve a check twice a year in the total amount of money earned.

What a fun way for our children to learn the value of "contributing" even a small portion so that all together we can help our school grow!



2. Shop at over 70 online stores including Sears, Gap, and even and Mazel will recieve a percentage of your purchase as a donation.  In order for the school to recieve this donation, though, you need to log on to become a member at the Box Tops site and make your purchases through the links on their website: .  That way you can select Mazel Day School as the school to which the donation from your purchase should go ( There is no charge to become a member nor are there any extra costs on your end when ordering products.)  



3. Lastly, when you purchase books online from Barnes and Noble through Box Tops (click here: we will earn 6% on every new book!!