Our preschool little ones are adjusting beautifully to their new routines and classrooms. Their sweet smiles and wide-eyed curiousity are precious beyond words.
Instilling a Love for Learning and the Joys of Judaism one #MazelMoment at a time! #thisishowwedoit #progressiveeducation
What fun we had on Lag BaOmer!!! Special activities and games brought the spirit of Unity, Jewish Pride and Joy to our Lag BaOmer day!!! The Mazel Day School spirit ROCKS :)
What an amazing array of professions our parents were able to share with our students!! Thank you to all the moms and dads who came in to share their work with our attentive students. #whatwillyoubewhenyougrowup
Putting Jewish values to action ~ Grades 7-8 visit Masbia Soup Kitchen to volunteer, peeling 200 lbs of carrots!! Their pizza lunch afterwards was well-deserved.
Congratulations to our Inaugural Grade 8 Graduating Class of 2015! A true milestone for MDS!!!
A Joyous Celebration of the 2014-15 School Year with Kindergarten through Grade 4
Snowmen, Dreidels and Maccabees! Our preschoolers put on a fantastic Chanukah winter show for families and friends.
Children at our Early Childhood Center now enjoy their very own indoor Gym. Just in time for the upcoming winter months!
Mazel Day School in partnership with The Blavatnik Archive hosted an exhibit and reception to honor Jewish veterans who served in the Soviet army during WW II
Thank you to all the Moms, Dads and special guests who helped make Literacy Month a special time at Mazel Day Schooll!! From read-aloud books, book sale, library trips and a fun family literacy party - we just LOVE reading books in every possible way :) :)